Modern Art Blitz is a popular web-show hosted by internationally renowned, Los Angeles based Art Critic/Curator Mat Gleason. The show focuses on interviews between Mat and some of the top artists in our current culture. A short drive south in Santa Ana, Ca. the California Fine Arts Exhibition (CFAE) is an institution committed to showcasing cutting-edge Contemporary Art. As the result of a recent creative synthesis, Craig Sibley (Executive Director of CFAE), Mat Gleason and Abel Alejandre (Modern Art Blitz Producer) have collaborated to present “Modern Art Blitz – The L.A. Invasion Exhibition” at the California Fine Arts Exhibition Gallery (207 N. Broadway, Suite P, Santa Ana, Ca. 92701), coinciding with the Downtown Santa Ana Art-Walk on February 4th, 2017. There will be an additional closing reception on the following Art-Walk, on March 4th.
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Earlier Event: January 6
St. Bob Flanagan Memorial Sick Clinic
Later Event: April 23
Rabbit Hole