A Look Back at 2021

This year has been literally INSANE. I feel it, I know it, but it’s sometimes hard for me to realize exactly how much has happened or how much I’ve really done. So, let’s recap shall we?


January 2021



I took a cross country road trip from California to Virginia to drop off my ex and get him moved in to his new place after his mom died on New Year’s Eve. We talked to her as she passed via video call. I reminded her of a story she told me about when she was a little girl. I told her that she would always be that little girl with the red wagon, giving her love to everyone she encountered. And then she was gone. I saw snow again. I drove to Texas from Virginia to pickup keys to our new place and spent a night in the empty space. I remember being absolutely shocked at the silence. No cars driving by, no people talking. Just me and my own thoughts echoing into the rooms of a foreign house.
Then I drove back to California on my own. It was freeing and sad. Realizing that for the most part now I was on my own.

Here’s something I wrote about her.


February 2021



Saying goodbye to California. Trying to figure out how badly I might miss it. Driving through my hometown, visiting places that I spent time with friends and family. Wondering if I would be able to create something just as special in Texas. If the art scene is as awesome, as invested. Worrying how alone I might be there.
Packing endlessly, preparing to move, and throwing out my back 2398472984723 times.
Throughout all that still painting and working on commissions.


March 2021



Missing my mom as I take down all of her decorations, knick knacks, and packing her clothes. Realizing all the new things I was about to embark on without her. Wishing she was here. Leaving a balloon and flowers at her favorite church in town for her birthday. Going through my dad’s collection of mementos and work for the last 50 years. Driving me and Tiberius out to Houston in my car that’s known trips like this.


Tiberius stayed sitting in the place that my mom used to work at everyday. Even though it’d been almost a year later, I think he was stilling waiting on her to come back.


April 2021



Met the love of my life.


May 2021



Set up my home studio to keep making art and trying to gain back momentum for my online art business after it had been paused for the move. Turned 31 and realized I spent all of my year 30 packing and in a state of shock. I still don’t remember much of it.



June 2021



Met my Houston bestie!

Sharing all our ambitious thoughts and dreams with each other! Let’s conquer the world!!



July 2021



Found an artist residency for a new gallery opening in Houston. During the interview I was completely disarmed when the curator told me she was a sexual assault survivor. I signed paperwork to join the gallery that same day.


When I first saw the house I wondered if we would really be able to fill it up with how enormous it was. And to my unfortunate surprise we DID. THE UNPACKING!!! WE’RE STILL NOT DONE UNPACKING!!!



August 2021



Drove back to California with my partner in life to pickup some of my art stuff for the new studio. I was excited for him to meet my brother and some friends. I had a chance to release a few more sad memories and make a few new great ones.


My first art show in Houston was super fun! I got to show my partner and new bestie my art side and my work. I met some amazing artists and leaders of the collective - that tasty networking.



September 2021



The grand opening of Gallery Skye was impressive — almost every artist sold at least one thing. There were tons of people moving through the gallery and my studio. I loved being in my element again, talking up my art and meeting an endless amount of people who were enchanted not only by my work but by how much of it there was.


I made $1000 in art sales that night.


I found a job working as an art teacher to school-age kids from pre-k to high school. I’m still convinced that they are all little geniuses.



October 2021



Joined the Houston Artists’ vending event and realized how incredibly unprepared I am to vend! A lot of my art set up is still in California. I did the best I could with what I had and wound up having a great time. The Houston Artists collective had an awesome group of creative people — artists, performers, designers, poets, entrepreneurs. The variety of different passions was impressive.

They have another event coming up if you want to check it out!


My aunt dying was a hard blow. Especially the circumstances of her death. But in her extremely detailed wishes the main theme was that we rejoice in each others’ company and spend time together as a family. She sent us all to her favorite place in Cancun. We cried for a night, sitting in the memory of her and all the joy she brought into the world, and then in her honor we laughed for the rest of our time there.

Some of my cousins were also remembering my mom with me, my brother, and my dad in that moment. We all miss them both so much.

Getting kicked out of my artist residency was also a sudden shock. I wasn’t expecting to be accused of criminal activity in a place was meant for me to work. You can read more about that story here.


I won Jerry’s Artarama’s Halloween art contest! There were about 20 paintings up for popular vote for about two weeks and I got 1st place! This was the first art contest I’ve ever won!!! $100 gift card for my awesome pumpkin!



November 2021



It didn’t take long for me to become overwhelmed by the strenuous day-to-day involved with teaching 20 kids at a time 6 days a week. I realized what an investment this job was and that it might be more fitting for someone who was looking for a career in teaching children. And although I did love the job and what I did there, I needed to focus on putting my energy into my own work. So I decided to leave (and maybe sub every once in a while). You can read more about this decision here.

I was also invited to be WIVLA’s visual co-chair on their board of directors! The president of the organization said that I really hadn’t been a member long enough to be invited yet, but that my experience was too good to pass up.
So honored!






This month (and last month) I have been making preparations to be completely self-sufficient from my own creative business ventures throughout the upcoming year. Right now I can proudly say I’m a full time artist!

In the 10+ years that I’ve been working on my art and art business, I had so many different visions of what it would look like to be “a real artist.” I don’t think I ever imagined that it would wind up just being me learning things I enjoy and then doing things I was naturally good at. That isn’t to say that it was easy by any means (because it really wasn’t and it is STILL a grind). But it wasn’t as impossible as everyone made it out to be.

There will always be obstacles and crazy life things happening, but my sanctuary will always be in my art.


I have so many new projects underway and on the horizon!! I have several commissions, contest entries, and this window in the works right now. It will be my first Houston mural project! Make sure to keep up on my socials for updates, and don’t forget to get on that mailing list if you haven’t already! It’s going to be amazing!

Happy Holidays, guys. Love you.


A New Year with COVID


Choosing Art Over Capitalism