My First Open Studio in Houston

Opening night for Gallery Skye has come and gone so quickly!!


It happened so fast I didn’t even have time to write about it beforehand. I went to California to pick up more of my work (but still only a small fraction of all that I have), came back, spent a week setting everything up in my new studio, and suddenly opening night was upon us.

It was one of the best shows I’ve ever had! I met amazing Houston artists, seasoned and established in their craft — many award winners (one of which was recognized by the White House). They had valuable feedback for me that I applied immediately and sold a couple pieces to equally amazing people.

Ann Marie Carrizales and Gail Meyer now own pieces of my work and I am so honored!

Ann Marie Carrizales, Aliza J Bejarano, Mikayla Rae

Ann Marie Carrizales, Aliza J Bejarano, Mikayla Rae

Gail Meyer

Gail Meyer


The group behind this gallery is so impressive (almost daunting). I can’t wait to show Houston everything I can do and all that my art has to offer. The waves being made now I’ve felt before in LA, but being supported by these powerful, successful women just hits different.

Arianna Taylor, Kellis Charles Lewis, Aliza J Bejarano, Alex Arizpe

Arianna Taylor, Kellis Charles Lewis, Aliza J Bejarano, Alex Arizpe


Shout out to my pre-fiance and partner in life! Kellis Charles Lewis has kept me calm, cool, and collected through my transition from California to Texas and as I establish my art practice out of Houston. We are planning some exciting new work together out of my studio for Gallery Skye’s next opening October 1st.


And Arianna Taylor, my Texas bestie! She has been such a powerful influence in my life in Texas and I’m so happy to have met her! Her ambition and go-getter attitude inspires me to keep working at my dreams even when things get dicey. We are also in the process of creating beautiful work together in hopes of inspiring even more creative people in the Houston area and hopefully beyond!


I am so proud of the community and friends I am cultivating here and some of which are here from what I had grown in LA (Hi Alex)! I love them all very much and feel so cared for and supported in return.

Everything that happens here on out are the cherries on top.


Living Life While Arting


I'm a Resident Artist in Houston!